First day of school, i am sooo glad to meet up with friends.
Talk about holiday.
'Where have you been ?'
'Hey, so long no see weh !'
'Yerr, you didn't change much weh !' =_=
Anyway, we always laugh.
This is the thing that never change.
Went to class and everyone's mood seem so weird.
Result is what we are waiting for.
Kinda disappointed when I get my result.
First time in my life,
I get 56% for my sejarah weh !
Compare to last year, the marks was totally different !
Hmm, sejarah is one of my proudest subject in PMR.
And now, it become the worst ever.
Lets see, I get my sejarah paper, and oh ya, moral and add math.
Kinda shock when I get my moral paper.
Okay, I know Kok Ming will see this.
So i just skipped this or he will mm shong me again.
But add math really pissed me off.
i wasted 10 marks for careless mistakes weh !
i suppose to get 90% !
D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D:
wth weh !
From now on, I will take out add math from my mind.
Hmm, so far just these three paper.
I really scare my bio weh.
I wrote PORE PROTEIN for six questions.
mm fail also hard weh.
Since my homework haven't finish,
so continue updating tmrw. :)
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