Group 23 (:
Yea, Wei Kit, Yee Gin and I toured this group today. (:
I was kinda stupid today.
Really noob. -_-
Yesterday night put the battery to the charger but didn't turn on.
And today woke up, I was like omggggosh.
Sorry, Boon How, make you tak boleh pinjam my dSLR. :(
Anyway, I had snap some photos which I posted in my facebook. 

Feel free to tag yourselves if you are there 
leave some comment if you wish to. 
According to Wei Kit, this year wasn't that good as last year.
But others were so damn happy and excited. 
maybe they just get a great group to tour. =x
But to me, 
err, like that lor.
nothing special. x)
I think it's because I was busying taking photos for the library. idk.
Anyway, thank to this, 
we don't need to study and got a chance to snap photos. xD


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