YAG thingy

Went to the YAG thingy.
Honestly, I still don't really know what is it about but 
I did learned something.
Since I have nothing to bring, so slr will do.

Aiye, aperture too low. :/

Divided into four groups.

Amanda is same group with me.

and for the rest, I dont really know them. HAHHAHA.
omg, I become so anti social when I came to BAC. -.-
omg, i miss my high school so much. :(

Stalking. hahha.

btw, today is this senior's birthday, and we sang birthday song together for him. :D


and title.

Me. :D

Time to present. ;D
hohoh, luckily i didnt chosen to present. xD

My group.


1 plus 1.

5 mins break. -.-

The girls.

After that, everyone is pay attention to 


hohoh, the silver iPhone.

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