I wasted my precious 5 hours

Just imagine.
Guess what, I finally attended this torturing 5 hours lecture.
Like seriously torture. No kidding.
Nvm, let's blog.

Hohoh, I had no idea.
But I met Eddie, Jia Wei and Brandon coincidentally. xD

HAHHA, we happened to learn driving under the same school.
But they are far advance than me. 
I was my first time today. 
Surrounding is kinda looks like this.

btw, one of the advantages of sitting at the corner is 
you are able to capture everyone, everything into the photos. :)
The room wasn't as nice as I expected. :/

Alright, I got three things with me.

Camera of course is used for stalking. xD

I am so sorry, hahha, I even wanna stalk your shirt. -____-

For book, hahha, i read ELS instead. :p
babi iso problem.

My phone. hehehe.
It's for music. :p
No choice, it kept me away from falling asleep.

After that, It was break time.
About 30 mins.

OMG, I tell you.
The canteen is terrible, the food is terrible, everything is terrible. hahhaha.
I just brought about rm 10.
So I dont really dare to take any food except for some rices and fried eggs.
It costed me rm3.50. omg omg omg omg omg.
expensive dou sei lahhhhh.
hahah wtf nvm ignore it.
Stalked those motorcyclist before heading back.

It looked so easy.
I guess I have potential to ride a motorbike after all.

btw, Apple's both sisters were in the same room. hahha.
Dont really dare to go and say hi.
Macam very sampat. xD

What is it all about ?
If you ask me, it pretty went like this.

We gotta imagineeeeeeeeeeee.
Even the startup sound gotta made by ourselves. -.-
It was so embarrassing. -.-

Alright, kthxbai. :)

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