First Post for February 2012

Ohh, it's already February. :D

Since it is holiday, we go bai nian. hahha. :D
shonngggg. :D
Waiting for Wai Wai.

First went to Wai Wai's house.

hohoh, so guai hor.
really no one park there. :D

His sai lou keep complaining I simply take photos. hahha.
But I ignored him. keep taking. :D
He is playing games, not sure what is it.

Went to Kar Wai's house, it's the same. haha.
Just different games.

While Kar Wai is busying bai shen something. haha.

Oh hi remote controller. -_____-

Alright, err went Cai Hong's house then by lrt.

Nottt yet. Need to take bus too. :( 
sooo far. :(

Did anyone thought of becoming a bus driver ?
I did. :D Alright, just temporally, for fun okay.

Kar Wai was excited to see her bf. xD
Ran up to hug him then ran back down. 

His name is Iyvan if not mistaken. 

Cute but 
Why are you stepping on my jeans ? haiz. 

Something flied into Wai Wai's drinks.

But still, she is drinking happily.

haiz, no eye see.

Cai Hong's house after that.
World No.1 Brand :D

I thought Diamond only have water. haha. =x

Surfing facebook huh.

I still can see you, no worries. :)

Hamsap jie jie #1

and another came. #2

Until he fell down.

Pity him.
btw, he really good in kao lui. hahhaa.

Time to leave.
Sai lou kept nagging me to go back. -.-

So that's all. 
Ciaooooo. :D

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