Sejarah :(

People always talk different.
Arab guy said mudun, madain and madana mean tinggi budi bahasa and pembukaan bandar
Inggeris or Greek guy said civitas and civilization mean bandar
Melayu guy said tamadun mean peradaban.
And we become the victim who need to memories everything they said.
Aiks, why don't you guy just shut up and go to sleep and you can save a lots of people.
 Besides than that, they have hobbies make jokes of people's name.
For example, Kong Zi become Kung-fu Tze.
Mo Zi become Mo Tzu.
Li Bai become Li Po.
and the worst is
Po Chu-I.
I can't predict what is his chinese's name.
Anyway, we are the victim because of their hobbies.
Damn !
If they don't know how to translate.
Why don't we just study Malaysia's history.

Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. has another name.
Before he become rasul.
Muhammad bin Abdullah huh. I will remember that for safety.
Who's know Mr Chan will come out with some question related with this name.
Hmm. Let look at Sumbangan tamadun.
From history, people learn about sistem demokrasi which is non of Malaysia's business
because Malaysia berbentuk demokrasi berparlimen.
Sistem Republik mean have two konsul which in charge of everything.
India, Perancis and Afrika Selatan copied that huh.
A lot of falsafah too..
Antaranya ialah legalisme, stoicisme.
But I prefer pancunglisme. :)

Omg, I really misssssssssss Form 3 sejarah badly.  ):

Lalala. It's random lah.
I am just memorising sejarah.


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