Second day of Orientation in BAC

Whatsup guy ! :D
Last orientation before the classes start.
Before that, went back to my secondary school for awhile. :D

Pretty the same i guess.

just to get my trial result.

from Mr. G. :D

Back to BAC. hahha.
He is my group leader as well.

Making mind map ?

Alright, it's about ...
... at younger age.

Had lunch with them. :D
New friends. :D
Sorry that I cant really rmb alll the names.

Left is Jlice and right is Jessica.
Is err, Jessica Chong, not you Hui Yan. :p

Random shot before it ended.

Modeling. xD
haha, no lah. -.-
is err, the middle guy is supposed to move while the other two guys will try to stop him from moving.
Basically is like that.


No one can move. hahha. Not even a step. xD
Video here for solution. :D

Nothing much, just got back home by lrt.
With stephanie today.

Dinner with Chow they all. :D

Movie of course. It's Friday. :D

HAHHA, even the camera feel super cold. :D

btw, these two noob got their job from a super friendly boss. (Y)

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