First day of Orientation in BAC

Welcomeee to BAC.

err, I was welcoming myself btw. :p
lol. forgot to camwhore. too gan cheong. haha.
No uniform, just casual wear. :)
sooo nice. :D
Life's tough.
I need to take lrt to reach there.
No more mami fetching. hahha.

It's nearby KL central btw.
Lots of buildings around btw.

YMCA is just opposite. :)

My group members. :)
Alright, they are friendly, just I am super anti social and Idk whyyyy. :(

Had our lunch around 12pm.

Some skipped the lunch and ...

Me ah, cannot skip lunch. :D
too thin, sooo i sat down and enjoy my lunch.
The food. hmmm, alright, better than my secondary's.

He had lunch with me btw. :D

Back to the room.
Got some games going on before we called it a day.
LOL, wrong exposure. xD
Gotta walkkkk all the way back to monoral. :(

hehhe, so not crowded. :D

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