Kursus Asas 2011

Librarian. :)
Heyy guys. :)
I went to kursus asas today.
kthxbai. :)

No lah. hahaha.
Still got gek lah.
Actually wanna fong fei gei gek.

but I made a deal with that number. :/
Forced to go lor. haiz. -,-
Gather in library sin.
Bran's giving details huh ?
I dont need.
I am free to walk everywhere. :)
Err, hi junior. :/
People stand dou so san fu,
see Mun Hong. -.-
dota somemore.
and Wai Wai also played. wtf. -.-

Okay, jump.
At tapak, what's else.
Do some aerobic exercise, dividing group and balloon game. 

hahah, even junior can blow bigger. xindy char sui. :)

Okay, jump to the field game. :)
before that, show you the xindy with ultraman spec. xD

Okay, jumppp.
Hi field.

err, it's a traditional game for librarian.
Every year also same game.
But this year I got the chance to throw flour at juniors.
heheh. :D
Sendiri sister also tak lepas. -.- pure evil.

andd it's over. hahah. fast foward abit. :)

Proceed to Explore Race. :D
Set up sin lor.
Mana ada so fast can play.

I managed to take one only. -.-
There are 5 stations before lunch.
So, the faster you finish, the faster you get your meal.
Run ppl. :P


err, I think you know how to game works. 
So untung lah. -,-
can eat somemore. ishh.

Cover your eye and make shape as been told by
While waiting them to complete,
take some pics lor.
HAHA. :)

So sui. blow bubble to them somemore.
okay, next station.
Passing chair game.
sien. jump.
grab your camera and capture the same pics you see here.
finally, 5th.
The best station. heheh. :)
Pumping with an egg in your mouth.
If the egg break, heheh.
first, we


Lunch and continue Explore Race part 2.
Fear Factor. :)
They put alot of ingredients.

and blend.

okay, next.
Spider something. idk lah, sien game.
this also. xD nameless game.
alright, next.
They have to take out their shoes


I finished. :D
Finished ? your ass.
See this ?

Err, roll there ba. xD
like this. 
Okay, Yuet Lee, see how Xindy treat your sister.
and another group came.
See dou also pity them. xD

Xindy go refill. xD

Still got one station gek, but I pergi play basketball jor with Ken Jin, Jia Wei and Pui Wei.
So sorry reader.
Okay larh, last pic. :)

and I went back earlier.
Skip the cleaning section. xD
okay, this time really jor.
kthxbai. :)


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