World ends today ? nah, I still need to blog tmrw.

Heh. Too sien during exam jor. -.-
This world is just super duper hyper small. (;
Met a friend ytd that I never expected to meet again. :D
Glad to meet her again. (;
yea, I gotta admit I'm forgetful. -__-
I can even forget to say bye bye. ishh.
She will belanja me if I meet her again. (;
hehehe. (:

Ytd the headmaster entered my class.
He complained about our class's students.
But I can't heard what he said. xD
He wasn't talk lah, mumbling. xD
But yea, life is like the food chain.
Headmaster scolded Teacher scolded Us. -.-
I can understand she is in bad mood.
But she can't just simply shoot us. -.-
Go toilet and kena. -.-
I unfriended her.
Just in case she accidentally saw this post.
But come to think of it,
She is my teacher, not my friend.
So, it's no wrong to unfriend her.
Don't blame me, want blame jiu blame the list there written friends. (:

Jump Jump Jump.
Jump back to Thrusday night. xD
Should be staying Physics huh ?
I tried to photograph lightning instead of studying.
But it's totally failed. -.-
Even butterfly like my room. -_________-
nah, see. -.-

Wasted like 1 hour. -.-
not going to photograph lightning anymore lah.
but I did my revision,
if not wasted Xindy's effort. 
tak boleh gek mah. :)
but my paper 2 gg. -.-


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