Physics Extra Class 2011 #2

Had been number by snapping this type of pics.
But I don't care larh, since got friend
Rachel RayRay aka Hui Kar Ee
Said my pics are nice. (:
Anyway, wish her yak lok shun feng tmrw. (:

Back to the post. :D

Yea, we three are the earliest.
Wait arh wait arh until raining jor.
Mai go indoor gek makan lor.
hehe, I am always the fastest to finish. :D
HAHA, Shee Ean just don't know what to snap.

 Guess what ?
My BPN. xD
Joey took her back home instead of leaving her to spend a night in the lab.
okay larh, thank you Joey. :)

Err, here are some za per lang pics larh.
For me, just keep talking and talking.
sien lor.
He must be saying 你是我的菜. xD

Err, the anti-sosial group.
lol, Shee Ean enjoy aje with the iPod.

Rajin and Lazy, see the different.
After that, we didn't go to lm like ytd.
Went to McD instead.
Cheap and nice. why not ? :)


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