Friday is getting boring

I had been updated way too many times in this week. :/
Okay, this post is kinda like storing my pictures because I wanna delete it after posting it out.
Comp not much free space left. -_-

My bag. (:
Friday's boring. :/
Keep on sleeping in class and Foong thought I emo pulak. -.-
Especially during Chemistry, 都在发白日梦. :/
Guess I'm not in the mood to study for this first four months.
If I don't get back those study mood like last year,
my spm will sei dou hou cham. -___-
After class, went for basketball to refresh myself since I know I'll be sleeping when I go back home
and I did had a nap just now.
Nap is just pure awesome. (:
Anyway, here are few photos I managed to take when I was forced to rest. -,-
school team need practice for next year.
Warming up.
Running with two bricks. Run run. (:
Football on the other side of basketball court.


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