April Fool 2011

Another update here ! (:
Had fun fooling around ?
Yea, I did although I just fooled few friends.
It's okay to me since I always fool friends around whenever I get bored. (:
Since today is special, I'm gonna share four pictures instead of one.
But first, you have to listen to my nonsense. :p
Love green can save the earth from pollution. hahaha. wth. -.-
OMG, since so long I didn't sit on the sofa blogging. :D
Laptop rosak therefore I gotta sit still on the chair to online using other comp. -,-
so uncomfortable.
After that hor, the comp rosak right after the laptop is fixed. xD
lucky dou. :)

d40. Now my sister's having it. (:
Went to Wong Kok to celebrate Kok Ming's birthday today.
Kinda feel that it's right to not bringing camera to school today,
otherwise this post will be ultra lots pics.
Anyway, we had our photographer.
He is creative and good photographer. No kidding.

Pink camera can use to kao lui. (: I shouldn't have bought a black one. :(
Recently get myself a photoblog :
Idk whether I like it or not. -.-
Because most of the pics, no, all of the pics are in my blog instead of that photoblog.
I think I love to blogger after all. :D

That kid don't get his seat and his mom was so relaxing. greatest mom ever. -.-
My school girls' basketball team got their straight 2 lost.
They would probably be ultra down right now.
Heard some cried.
Heard some kena pukul.
Hope they are alright.

What a day.


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