Probably the last post in Feb 2011

不是小偷,只是强盗。 (:
Heyy peeps ! :D
Hmmm, my exam is going to an end on next Tuesday ! 
Woots ! :D
I just finished my chinese exam paper one today.
It's hard. =c
how hard ?
Hmm, you gotta imagine that you have forgotten a lot of chinese words
and  write a spm's essay based on those few knowledges.
Okay, jump .. jump .. jump back to few days ago.
Hmm, I was studying Sejarah.
To stay awake, my stomach had to be full.
Therefore ...

I cooked one lor. :D
Wah, I think in my life, 
this is the only thing I know how to cook. xD
But seriously, study last minutes don't help much.
Out of the five essays, I managed to do one.
Other three I just tembak based on my form 3's Sejarah knowledge. =c
Not I want to blame lor, but what he taught last year langsung cant go into my brain.
Hmm, this is the only subject I don't think I could get A's,
others still okay. :)
Anyway, next next week I'm going for chess competition. 
Hopefully I can get another one this year.


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