Hi, Nuffnang

#nowplaying 雨下一整晚 - 周杰伦

Heyy peeps ! (:
I'm here again.
It will be a short update.
Just to let you all know,
I created a nuffnang account. I have no idea how it works.
According to Boon, it makes money but not much. 
So I decided to try it out. 
Feel free to click on the nuffnang stuffs. 
It is at the corner of my blog.
Every click counts, so tolong lah. :D
So, here's something random shots !
Enjoy. :)
expensive-for-nothing woman bag.
His paid must be high since he worked during cny. Alaa, he is not chinese also, tak payah celebrate. 
Kid : Daddy, can you buy this whole Pavilion for me ?
Daddy : Saya tak ada duit.
Kid : =(
Ada teman wanita also show mm shong face. -_-


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