11 days to SPM

HOHOHO, ello SPM ! :D
Sooooo, heyyy. :D
err, let's bloggin. hehe.
Went for extra class today.

With Cik Noraini. (:
Aiyorr, no class to use, so in tapak lurr.

Seeee Jun, so rajinnn.

Do notes sambil draw cartoon. lenggg. :D

Hor, see Yvonne tak beri perhatian.

After class.

We ah, went to VIVA for lunch. :D

With Yvonne lah.

Chow lah.

Kok Ming lahh.

and Chong. Err, mana dia ?
He ah, Transformer lai de.
Change to d5100 jor. 
Yo Chong. ;D

err, tak proper post, haha i know.
sorry and ciao. :D

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