Nani day ever

Guess what. I'm kinda lack of photos for blogging. =/
Hi peeps !
Today was totally bullshit. -.-
Lucky I blog now, if I blogged right after I came back home,
It will a post full of f. -.-
Nah, not really bothering me anymore.
This proved that nap can solve everything. (:
Anyway, I heard news today.
I was ultraaaaa shocked.
Hmm, how to say arhh. .__.
There are two friends.
I thought they were verrry close but then today he / she suddenly told me that he / she dislike him / her.
and wanted to fan min after form 5. -,-
idk, he / she said.
Okay, I guessed I was the last one to know.
Because when I asked others, they were like
" Oh, ya lah, you don't know meh ? "
Nah, I just taught me that,
sometimes, we just gotta beware.
Who knows we may be the next one.
Idk why, maybe is because of chinese club things or myself.
Today I just played basketball for 10 mins. -.-
I have plenty of times, but I just went back home instead of staying back.
nah, nothing more to update although there are still plenty of stuffs in my minds.
Save it for next time.
Anyway, All the best for our school's girls' basketball team. (:
If can't win, then play with all your best, without any regret.
The most important in competition is having fun after all. 


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