
The very first time I fried eggs after few years. 
If you ever wonder where's my recent post, here it is.
Sorry guy, it's just late, not I didn't update.

Recently, there was a talk for form 5 about motivation.
Believe or not
Agree or not
That guy really did a great job.
Some of my friends doubted about what he said
but I don't really care about the truth
if a lie could help us in our life.
The part about minat was where I agreed the most.
I knew it was true.
It's like how I like basketball. (:
I go online search for informations,
watch nba game every day,
gain those knowledges through friends,
always looking forward to Monday and Thursday. (:
*please, i never say im good in it, don't see me in school and say me lc. -_-
especially to chow.
So, I'm currently trying to do that to my studies too
but I know it's hard especially for sej.
If you had been taught by mr chan, you'll know.
He is the best hypnotist in my school.
He never fail to make me fall asleep every time he enter the class.
alaa, I'll try my best, it's my last year in secondary,
gotta give it a blast. (:
btw, I had been offered to be member of the school's magazine.
guess what job I get ?
yes, photography. :D
Hmm, if teacher allow me to bring camera whenever I want,
I'll accept the job. (:


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