I'm just too bored

Okay, I'm kinda lag of photos to update my blog.
But it's okay, at least there goes one. (;
So, peeps, here I am to update blog again. 
Holidays ain't that fun.
I only facebook plus msn plus twitter plus blogger plus flickr plus ps 3 plus tv 
daily. =c
yea, kinda boring huh my life.
Anyway, today special a bit. 
I went to school for gotong-royong,
basketball in Taman Midah again. HAHA
School, too bad I didn't bring camera, so no photo,
but I got a chocolate from Xindy. (:

From Korea wor. .___.

If you see thiss,
Just to tell you that the chocolate aint nice. =x
but, thanks anyway. (;
So, basketball. 
It always fun if you ask me. :p
Get to know some peeps this time.
Although there are bad words flying,
but they are friendly, so
badwords = nothing. (:
So, hmmm, that's all.
HAHA, today was just another boring day.


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