I attended.

random shot #1

Last Saturday I went for kursus asas pps '10.
It was an activity that will held every year.
Anyway, it doesn't mean that the activity are totally same.

Shot #2
It was my second time went to the kursus.
yea. I just don't like the pervious senior.
That's why I ponteng the kursus when I am form 3.

Shot #3 His name is Shyam and he was punished for coming late.
We started the kursus with a chicken dance. 
watch in my facebook's video 
Then, I am asked to become the leader in group Ayam.

Shot #4
As you know, I am suck in leading people.
I prefer to make friends. 
So yeah, I think my team reputation is gone because of me. -.-
damn !

Random shot #5
Anyway, I managed to make some friends from my group.
Opps, although I have forgotten their name. 

Shot #6 Everyone love present. :)
Oh yea. If any senior managed to view my blog.
Please don't read what I write below.
seriously !

Not my shot #7
I lompat party. :)

Anyway, hope you enjoy my post. 
end with my #8 shot ...



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